Jul 16, 2022 - Amersfoort, Netherlands
Flight delays were the norm of travel after COVID. With our flight delayed for almost 2 hours, we rushed to Amesfoort to meet with Bart. A quick croquette bite later, Bart suggested that we fish around Amersfoort for some smaller species in the afternoon. After dinner, we met up with Pieter to try for Zander. We only had one Zander bite all night and I was lucky to catch one.
Species 1058
Leucaspius delineatus Belica
Species 1059
Rutilus rutilus Roach
Species 1060
Alburnus alburnus Bleak
Species 1061
Blicca bjoerkna White Bream
Species 1062
Sander lucioperca Pike-Perch
Jul 17, 2022 - Amersfoort, Netherlands
We tried to fish the River Waal today. It was not very productive and Bart was uncertain why the river bottom had an unusual amount of leaf litter that affected our fishing. Around dusk, which is around 10pm in the Netherlands, George was trying for an European Perch and I was trying for a Bream. Just as darkness fell, I caught a rare European Eel that was promptly released after a quick photo.
Species 1063
Leuciscus aspius Asp
Species 1064
Anguilla anguilla European Eel
Jul 18, 2022 - IJmuiden, Netherlands
Pieter showed us a few of his productive locations today around IJmuiden. We started off fishing between rock crevices for blenny species. Unfortunately, the couple of Sculpin species that I wanted were not around. Around midday, we made a quick move to find the diminutive Sand Goby. Finally, we fished a busy shipping channel for a couple more saltwater species that lived on the sandy bottom.
Species 1065
Lipophrys pholis Shanny
Species 1066
Parablennius gattorugine Tompot Blenny
Species 1067
Pomatoschistus minutus Sand Goby
Species 1068
Platichthys flesus European Flounder
Species 1069
Trisopterus luscus Pouting
Jul 19, 2022 - Nieuwpoort, Belgium
We met up with Pascal today to fish from his boat. A few days leading to our trip, the sea conditions kept changing and it was difficult to confirm our plan. However, it turned out to be an exceptional day - it was exceptionally flat calm, exceptionally hot (38ÂșC), and the fishing was exceptionally poor; but I caught a Starry Smooth-hound in Belgium waters which was exceptionally rare.
Species 1070
Echiichthys vipera Lesser Weaver
Species 1071
Mustelus asterias Starry Smooth-hound
Jul 20, 2022 - Germany
We planned to fish with Sjors today on a river in southern Netherlands. However, they stopped selling day tickets to fish the river and there was not enough processing time to get an annual ticket. So we decided on a last minute pivot to venture into Germany to fish a small creek in Germany instead. Barbel were hiding in the grate of a small dam. When I finally hooked one, Sjors climbing down to help me land and it became the most memorable moment of the trip. At night, we tried to fish for Wels Catfish but none wanted to bite.
Species 1072
Squalius cephalus Chub
Species 1073
Barbus barbus Barbel
Species 1074
Gobio gobio Gudgeon
Species 1075
Rhodeus amarus European Bitterling
Species 1076
Abramis brama Freshwater Bream
Jul 21, 2022 - Eindhoven, Netherlands
We had exceptionally nice weather for most of the trip, but a cold front moved in behind the heat wave. This was our last fishing day it finally rained all day. At times, it was pouring as heavy as a tropical monsoon. We managed to do a little sightfishing around rocks in a small creek before it poured, but as the rain intensified, I missed out on my Bullhead Sculpin opportunity.
Species 1077
Barbatula barbatula Stone Loach
Species 1078
Pseudorasbora parva Stone Moroko
Species 1079
Leuciscus idus Ide
Species 1080
Proterorhinus marmoratus Tubenose Goby